A Parent child relationship.

 Relationships play a vital role in our daily lives. The nature of our relationship with each other may differ based on how close, as an individual we are with each other, or based on the nature of the role involved, for instant in a work environment the nature of the relationship will be that of employer to employee and when we draw close home, the relationship between mother and child is a pure mutual family relation.

For there to be, a strong relationship within the family, there has to be a clear understanding of who is who in the family and that utmost respect given to each member no matter their status. As a child one is expected to be obedient, faithful and trustworthy to your parent.

 And as a parent, it’s advisable to pay close attention to your child, by listening and closely monitoring their behavior and reaction as you interact with each. Since, it’s through this interaction that one learns to understand why the child did or reacted in a certain manner as you, get to bond with each other, hence creating great memories.

A child parent relationship plays a crucial role in the development of the child, right from infancy into adulthood. For instance, we have two sets of kids born at the same time, both, have both parent present in his or her life right from infancy. But the nature and the involvement of the parent differs from one set of parents to the other.

One set, we call it parent A, is fully invested in the , child’s life; emotionally, socially, financially , educational wise, meaning in each aspect of the child’s growth and development this parent is right beside  them fully supporting their child to grow accordingly. With such a well-structured parental support, the child or children raised within such a parenting system will be in a good position to forge good, healthy, long lasting relationships in their adulthood.

Compare to one, raised in an abusive, neglectful, non-caring parenting system, whereby the parent has little or non interest in the child whereabouts, and finds being emotionally invested in a child life less meaningful and a waste of their time. Provided, their meet their parental obligation to provide shelter, food and good educational to the child.


Under such a parenting setup, the child tends to feel felt out; lonely and one not valued enough and quite often throw tantrums to get the parents attentions. At times they turn violent, abusive, tend to perform poorly in their education, as a way to get back at their parent lack of involvement in their lives.

Therefore, as a parent or guardian, one whose bestowed with the responsibility to provide and take care of the little one in our lives, it’s advisable to provide the necessary attention and to forge a good and healthy relationship with these children ,one that will help them to grow and develop into adulthood feeling valued and treasured within the society.

As a parent, create time to bond, interact and one to learn about your child and their day to day activities, the more quality time you share together, helps a great deal, and such a child feel ultimately love and cherished .It’s not about the amount of gift you bring that matters, it’s the amount of time spend together that counts.  
