Beauty in the time of crisis

“ We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. ” Maya Angelou:

The ability to see any kind of hope and goodness in times of a crisis comes with a unique kind of character. One that is fully ingrained in our lives as we grow up .To some of us , I believe were raised to believe nothing good can sprout out the most challenging times in life .
In order to achieve ultimate success and happiness in such a time , we need to go through a series of life events and learn to cope with stressful moment in our lives , despite not pleasing enough , as we work to hone our skills and competence in what we do.

Looking into the life cycle of a butterfly, we can clearly learn quite a lot about our lives . Butterflies are simply amazing and gorgeous too . And to be in their presence is an honor. For me, it symbolizes hope, love and strength. Like in all thing in nature , the butterfly has many lessons to share .

Imagine the grand metamorphosis of the butterfly, Let’s relate the stages of this experience to the various aspects of our lives; first the tiny egg of potential, then the tireless caterpillar working toward that potential,then the chrysalis allowing that potential to take shape, and finally the butterfly who realizes that potential and takes flight.

In life, It’s much easier to sit on our full potential and languish how unfair the world is , yet do nothing to change our circumstances . We all have a variable potential to succeed , if only we would look within to see how strong we are. Once we have discovered how capable we are, now comes the time to put in the work. Its during this phase that we mold the kind of future and life we want , by never ceasing and remaining focus to the end goal.

Its during this phase ,we work to improve our skills and experiences ,to set ourselves apart from the rest of the crowd. Its in n the midst of such a phase that the caterpillar does all the work and the butterfly gets all the publicity. So true! We often admire the beauty of the butterfly and rarely think about what it went through to get where it is! Therefore embrace the struggle as you learn for its during such a time our beauty is seen but less appreciated.

Its my wish all learn to appreciate the beauty that come along with life’s challenges as we strive to improve our lives and that of our families .
