In the midst of the chaos,give thanks

“ The calamity that makes you remember God is better than the blessing that makes you forget God. ”
Life has its ups and downs, and no one can truly say , never in their earthy life have they not had to encounter lives challenges ,in one way or another. Our challenges may be different and so are the lesson we learn as we strive to encounter them.

Despite the chaos we encounter in our lives how we navigate through them, is important and devises a tremendous amount of courage and focus to come through .Hence the need to have a clear vision of what our end goal is and opt to be.

Every morning , as the sun rises it brings with it the gift of a new day and a chance to improve and amend our ways and the choices we make .Every dawn is totally different from the previous one , presenting its own challenges. As we endeavor to make our lives and that of our families have significant value,we tend to endure much while striving to achieve the end goal.

To some the goal maybe ; building or buying a house,starting a business,making a trip to your favorite destination , making an investment in emerging market ,buying stocks and to some saving towards our children college fee. All these we do,aiming to improve on our living standard and hardly take a moment to say thanks to God.

So in the calmness and the serenity of our lives, let us acknowledge and give thanks to God,for his undying love and presence in our lives. Appreciating his grace and mercies ,rather than waiting on to our times of trials to acknowledge his existence and seeking his mercies and grace.

Truth be told, its during our lowest point in life that our true character is examined. It’s during this particular instances in our lives ,we begin to cross examine ourselves what kind of sin we may have committed to be graceful awarded ,with the challenges we go through. At such a time ,our faith in ourselves ,our goal and also our spiritual connection with God [ the supreme being] is weighed and shaken to show how rooted we are.

And it’s in the middle of such a time that we often recall to seek divine intervention into our problems and lives, as compared to when everything progress accordingly. Therefore let us appreciate God in all our endeavors ,and if calamity comes and bring havoc with it,and in the midst of it we remember Gods’ goodness in our lives then let us learn that our existence and prosperity are graced by Him.
In both the good and bad moment of life ,learn to acknowledge and appreciate God [the supreme being] no matter what we are going through.
